Monday, May 18, 2015

Konami is dead

I just , I really and fucking pissed to konami for just, you know, going mobile instead of gaming. Wow, konami made a lot of great games from contra to castlevania symphony of the night but this might just be their dumbest discision ever. basically, they picked fucking mobile games, android tablets over gamers that are loyal to them since day one. How could have they done bullshit like this ? They had a bunch of people who basically love them for making great games and then they decided to fuck it and shit all over them. They are fucking dumbasses since they don't know that gamers supported them while they still produced REAL games rather than rushed pieces of shit that people tap in there fucking tablet/Ipads. Seriously, they told us that they abandoned REAL VIDEO GAMES since they wanted to go for the microtransaction bullshit that EA does. Well, that is an instant FUCK YOU to konami since they picked the WORST strategy when it comes to video games. I mean they are gong to do this, here is an example : Oh, you want to play this game we made, oh ok it's free but we will need to make you go bankrupt so that we could close down since we are a bunch of assholes that just care about making money. That's the kind of shit they are going to do. They really fucked up this time since they thought that we will follow then like fucking dogs even if they are going to the mobile market, well we ain't going. Konami , you son of a bitch, I seriously can fucking believe it guys, they fucked every single one of they're followers, but they ain't the only people that are like that. Nope, many other japanese developers are starting to say fuck it and are starting to also go to the mobile market. WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY SEE IN THE MOBILE MARKET THAT THEY THINK IT IS A GOOD WAY TO GO ? Why, why in the hell hole do they think that the mobile market could be a good idea. I am starting to think that konami is gonna burn down. Since most, if not all of there fans left them, they don't have enough fan support to help them back up. So here is a message to other companies, STAY AWAY FROM THE MOBILE MARKET and to konami, I HOPE YOUR COMPANY SHUTS DOWN WITH WHAT YOU'VE FUCKING DONE HERE. That is the end of my rant.

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