Friday, May 8, 2015

Some updates on stuff

Ok guys, it has been awhile, sorry if I haven't posted anything or uploaded anything, I have just been really busy with stuff, so, lets get to it.

So the main thing that I want to fix is basically my channel. I am going to make an LP of Olli Olli on my channel since I got the game for free along with the pre-order of not a hero(Which I will also make an LP series of.) and I will basically make a review of those games here. Basically , I had a shortage of money so I have money now to continue my channel which is pretty cool. I will be also posting funny moments of many games, but that is when I get my Elgato (which I hope I get soon). I will also recommend you to use my referrals so that you could support me and help me get new games. I will also make a black ops 3 update so that you guys will be informed. Since there is a ton of information leaked, it will take a while for that to finish. So don't forget to follow me to received updates from me and donate to me so that I could get more money to get more games to post(and review).

Don't forget to subscribe to me on youtube :
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Check out joystix pro (Use my Code) : BJ2YSMQR

Edit : MIGHT make an LP of olli olli

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